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What our guests had to say about Sancti Retreats…

“The retreat was like a breath of fresh air, I came away with a much needed new perspective on life. You have such a beautiful, pure energy. Taking people on a spiritual journey and helping them to heal is a role that suits you so well.” - Rheemah

“I cannot thank you all enough. You have changed my life in 48 hours” - Annie “Thank you everyone for a lovely weekend. I feel like my soul has been healed!” - Ellie

Our first retreat of 2022 was held in the UK and honestly it felt out of this world! The group of people that naturally come together at retreats is always a highlight for me. Different people from different walks of life, different experiences, and backgrounds, yet everyone comes together in such a beautiful authentic way for a weekend of immersing into yoga, meditation, personal growth practices, and a whole lot of refreshing relaxation. We did yoga together, ate delicious food together, laughed together, cried together, hugged, danced, and had an absolutely unforgettable weekend. To everyone who attended THANK YOU for being you and bringing the most authentic version of you to the retreat.

I always make it a priority to catch up with my guests after the retreat ends and check in with how they are feeling.

I was really taken back by the wonderful messages surrounding the impact that the experience has had on their lives and I can’t deny it was incredibly heartwarming to read.

For many people a retreat is the first time they really experience practices such as yoga, meditation. We also include a mindset session in every retreat (which was the most raved about this year!) During the mindset session we use techniques from the holistic coaching style that are aimed to bring you clarity and inner peace in your life. It’s an opportunity for you to really dive into discovering how your mindset can really change your life for the better, even with just small changes within your lifestyle!

I am forever grateful to have the opportunity to be around inspiring and uplifting people who have taken the retreat as a chance to really dive into their own complex emotions, understand their thought patterns and be vulnerable in a way that can be related to by the other guests. It really brings a sense of community and a bond that I just know, won’t be forgotten.

“I feel the shift within me that people have noticed externally! I haven’t had any intrusive, doubtful thoughts, I wake up feeling motivated, peaceful and ready to take the day on.” -Nicole

Sancti Retreats is a huge reset button. It takes you away from the hustle and bustle of life and allows you to come back to yourself again. When we feel good about ourselves on the inside, that radiates on the outside.

Not only that, but I think it’s important to take time to come back to who we really are and sit with ourselves. The stress and overwhelm we often feel in this world can feel a lot at time, so incorporating meditation, yoga and mindfulness, whilst separated from distractions can be really healing and transformative.

Even more exciting news… One of our guests repeatedly pulled an oracle card centered around new beginnings, we had a long discussion about her career at the retreat.. And now she has recently received a job offer that is perfect for her! This truly portrays the power of a mindset shift. When we create space in our lives we invite the potential for our dreams and goals to manifest and I couldn’t be happier for her!

I make it a focal point of mine to make Sancti Retreats a personable experience. It’s important that our retreats feel inclusive, so people don’t feel the need to attend accompanied by people they already know. Hey, it could even be your first solo trip! It’s an opportunity to come along to a retreat purely for your own personal growth, and meet like-minded people that can become friends for life.

I think that this final testimonial really brings what I’m trying to say all together.

“It’s so easy to slip back into real life, but we have shared something so special. If the world ever gets you down give me a bell, my ears and heart will forever be available to you all” - Annie

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