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The Sancti Method

by Georgia St John-Smith

The lifestyle of your dreams is waiting...

Create your unique strategy for timelocation, and financial freedom.

The Sancti Method

by Georgia St John-Smith

It's time to...

Focus on yourself for once, and accelerate your business to create time and financial freedom with a glowing confidence.

So that you can do what you love, live where you want....


And create the incredible positive impact you're here to make on this planet!

Instead of staying small in a non-stop cycle of ' too busy', lack of clarity, and endless procrastination on your dreams.

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You're here for one of 2 reasons...


You're wanting to find your purpose and create a balanced lifestyle that you love, but have no idea how to start - you're ready for a strategy!


You've already started your business, but want to level up your income and freedom - without the guilt (or imposter syndrome)

You’ve been trying on your own, but find yourself…

Struggling to step back from what you're doing, (even though it's slowly sucking your soul).  When you should be crafting a strategy for you to follow your true passions and purpose.



Feel like you know you *should* carve out time for self care.
- But in the chaos of work, family, life admin, and squeezing in social plans (if you're lucky), you barely get a moment to think, let alone work on yourself


Putting off taking action on your dreams, because you're wondering if a relaxed lifestyle alongside a career/business you're passionate about is really possible for you (self doubt is slowly creeping in)


Holding yourself back, because even though you know you've got great things to say/create, you still secretly doubt yourself and don't want to 'sound silly'


Unable to fully relax because you feel guilty, like there's something useful you should be doing instead of doing what makes your soul happy and showing up with a magnetic glowing confidence!

The Sancti Method

by Georgia St John-Smith


Together, let's move away from who you "should be" and create a reality that ignites your soul.


Hi, I'm Georgia!


I’ve been shifting mindsets since day 1 of my business. From top CEO’s to people at the very start of their career.


Now my clients regularly experience positive mindset shifts which lead to transforming whichever part of their life they are focusing on. From career changes, new businesses, writing books, starting creative pursuits, to improving relationships, finally being able to get their balance right, or following their dreams.

The Sancti Method has allowed me to follow my dreams, clear my calendar, help more people at once, enjoy growing my business and have a whole lot of fun along the way.


And I’m Here To Show You How… 

Here's what my clients say: 

Natalia landed her dream job with and moved to her dream city in just 6 months of  The Sancti Method!

"6 months ago I could only have dreamed of where I am today.

This has totally opened up my eyes and mind to the possibilities in life. It's helped me to tap into my best self (beyond what I knew existed), and allowed me to create clarity, purpose and a sense of direction in life.

I couldn't recommend Georgia enough! - Once you've worked with her, you'll know what I'm talking about." @nataliabatex

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Nina said she has never felt so inspired before... Listen to this!!

"Georgia just has so much wisdom and coaching abilities that I didn't expect.


She's unreal, and the impact she has on everybody regardless of background, age, career, is incredible. I don't think I've ever rested as much.


I feel relaxed, enlightened and inspired. It is pretty life changing, but you'll never know unless you experience it yourself. So do it! Is what I would say." @ninacbrooks 

There are 3 main benefits to having a strategy for your personal growth:

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It's Clear

Once you have a strategy, any kind of procrastination because you're not clear on your destination totally disappears. 
You become crystal clear on what you REALLY want, WHY you want it, an


It Creates Consistency

Your personal growth strategy allows you to have consistent, goals, rituals, habits and actions every single day.

Making it easy to be consistent!

Plus you're waking up every day knowing you're taking action towards your dreams. 


You Become Accountable

Strategy keeps you accountable because once you’ve created it, you can have your goals fresh in your mind every day. With the right tools, network and coach in place, you can easily stay on track because it's not just you anymore. You're consistently inspired and kept accountable! 

If you're like, "Yep, this is exactly what I've been looking for", Then you're in the right place...

The Sancti Method is your key to glowing with confidence whilst you fulfil your potential and enjoy the journey along the way.


With my proven formula, you’ll learn the mindset necessary for discovering and taking action on your dreams, the exact process I use in my own life, and how to create an impactful strategy that align with your goals. 


You’ll also learn how to use meditation as a tool for mindset mastery, using everything from simple journal prompts, to my 90 day goal setting formula and soul fuel activities for success that feels damn good!

Taking action on your dreams has never been easier, and with my program, you'll be ready to discover, strategise and enjoy the journey of this thing called life to it's absolute fullest!  - Your way.

Here's what my clients say: 

Annie said it totally transformed her life...  Listen to this!

I’m so ambitious so I always kept pushing myself... I wasn’t aware of my own negative self talk. As I worked with Georgia, the only way I can describe it is profound. 

She’s created a safe environment, delves into why I am where the way I am, and we pinpoint what is holding me back. Then we work on it step by step to layer it into my life in a positive way. The changes i have experienced in my relationships, family, friends, partner, me handling myself in a work environment, the way i handle myself and stress, its life changing! If you’re thinking about it, you need to give it a try!" @annie.makes.videos

Stephen said to say it's changed his life would be an understatement...

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The ultimate program for creating, and successfully implementing your unique strategy to live where you want and do what you love, with balance, lightness and a glowing confidence. - (No matter what stage you're at!)

The Sancti Method

by Georgia St John-Smith

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Let's take a look at the journey to freedom when you join The Sancti Method...

1. Neuroscience


  • Get to the root cause of what's getting in your way. Learn my methods to understand the neural pathways in your brain (in simple terms), and access the subconscious mind.

  • Re:wire your brain to reach your goals with lightness, confidence and simplicity.

  • Remove the clutter inside your mind and cut the overthinking. Unlock a whole new level of 'peace of mind'  by learning how to reset, and the mindset to embody to create success.

+ Learn how to meditate effectively! 


2. Psychology


  • Dive deep into the psychology behind your actions and reactions. Discover techniques to identify and shift self-sabotaging patterns, embracing a glowing confidence, and rewriting your inner dialogue.

  • Master the art of inner resilience and self-empowerment. Learn to harness your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours to align with your ambitions, creating a magnetic presence when you walk into a room.

  • Break free from the chains of imposter syndrome and comparison traps. Uncover strategies to silence your inner critic, embrace authenticity, and cultivate a strong self-image that propels you forward.

3. Soul Fuel


  • Tap into your inner connection with your true self, to infuse purpose into your journey.

  • Explore practices that connect you with your inner wisdom and intuition, allowing you to make decisions aligned with your true desires.

  • Navigate challenges with grace, presence and acceptance; learning how to respond to life's demands with serenity and clarity.

  • Harness the energy of passion and creativity. Learn to channel these forces into your endeavours, amplifying your impact and embracing your unique path with unwavering trust.


The Sancti Method

by Georgia St John-Smith

I’ve spent over 4 years mastering personal growth strategies, so you can go straight to what works. I’ve invested thousands of hours, money, and trial and error so that you don’t have to.


This program will be your go-to place every time you set a goal, designed to support you with everything you need to achieve your goals with lightness, grace, and glowing confidence

All modules will be shared in the form of live videos that will be recorded, along with documents to accommodate all learning styles making learning and implementation easier than ever before!

Marc was a skeptic...

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But the Sancti Method has accelerated positive change not only for him, but for his family too...

Why you should learn from me:





I started a broke graduate.

I was earning 6 figures by 23. 
But I felt trapped. 
I knew there was more to life...

Now I run my dream retreat business in Ibiza. I wake up inspired and excited. I spend my time doing what I love.

It is possible to totally change your life around.

I’ve helped my clients generate incredible results…From starting their dream business, sleeping better, to overcoming anxiety and chronic stress. Anything is possible when you go all in on this approach. 

I have done all the hard work for you to make your life flow with lightness, clarity and radiance. I have consistently worked on my own battles from day 1 in my mindset, which means I’ve experienced all the highs, lows, *failures* and different approaches to now have created a proven process that you can apply straight away.

The Sancti Method

by Georgia St John-Smith


Learn & implement my game-changing 90 Day Goal Setting Formula


Take aligned action, work with your cycle, and learn time blocking techniques to level up your business whilst living a life of freedom.


Re-wire your brain, unblock fear, resistance and those sneaky thoughts that can hold you back


Create space to receive, learn how to attract opportunities with your magnetic feminine energy


Learn soulful strategies for visibility, marketing and sales to sky-rocket your social media presence and attract aligned clients.

What you'll receive

I live and breathe what I do.  My energy is vibrant and contagious, so get ready for serious transformation. The Sancti Method will open your mind, re-imagine what you ever dreamed was possible and give you the strategic and soulful tools you need to grow to your next-level version of success.

5x LIVE Trainings + Replays

When you join The Sancti Method, you get access to the replays of a live run through of the program for a more deep dive experience of my teachings and strategies, as well as learning through other people’s questions.

3x 1:1 Coaching Sessions

When you join The Sancti Method, you'll also get 3x 1 hour coaching sessions directly with me. You can use these to accelerate your growth and get personalised support from me throughout the program.

The 90 Day Goal Setting Formula

Get access to my exclusive 90 Day Goal Setting Formula to align your goals with your values and create guaranteed results! 


The Sancti Method Workbooks

Keep track of your progress, and work through the program step by step!

Your Soul Care Pack!



BONUS Linkedin Masterclass!

Learn the key to authentically sharing your voice and building a powerful network on Linkedin - with Georgia St John-Smith

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BONUS Workshop!

Online Reiki Session. An ancient Japanese healing technique to cleanse your energy!

The Investment

Pay In Full


One time payment

6 Month Plan


x6 monthly payments

You’ve read this far, your mind is opening, happiness in your belly; a mix of excitement, and fear.

You’re thinking about it...

Let me ask you this. 


How much is YOU, committing to YOUR dream worth to you?

What’s holding you back from truly committing to your personal success?

I’ve been there myself. When the inner voice takes over.


When the fear feels creeping in. I can hear part of me in my head SO excited, and another part of me trying to talk myself out of growth...

But what is your body saying?

Take a moment to tune in and listen. What are the tingles in your tummy telling you?    

Life is short my friend, I know that all too well. 

I also know through what I’ve experienced, witnessed and the testimonials I’ve from those who work with The Sancti Method, what is possible when you take the leap and commit to expansion.

I understand this may feel stretchy and uncomfortable.

Stepping out of our comfort zones often do.


But one things for sure, with big leaps comes true glorious, juicy expansion.  


Those leaps are life changing for all the right reasons. 


So, what’s stopping you? 

Need to speak with me first? 

Book a FREE Intro Call to make sure this is 100% right for you before you decide!

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